On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Kjell Rune Skaaraas <kjell...@yahoo.no> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been reading the earlier threads at:
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2009-05/thrd7.php#00252
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2005-10/thrd4.php#00632
> and I'm not sure I have anything that substantially new to add but:
> 1. I can't see there's an unambiguity about what the syntax would do. It is 
> IF NOT EXISTS, not IF NOT LIKE. Anyone who shoots themselves in the foot by 
> calling a CINE and thinking that a preexisting differently defined column is 
> magically converted deserves it. Either it should act exactly like the 
> non-CINE command, or do nothing at all as if the statement wasn't there.
> 2. The use case is pretty clear to me - flexible scripts that'll bring all 
> earlier database versions to the latest schema. I've been experimenting in 
> 9.0 alpha with calling DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS then ADD CONSTRAINT with 
> named constants for a CINE effect. which as a side effect will correct any 
> updated constraints too - and it works great. Unfortunately DROP COLUMN IF 
> EXISTS then ADD COLUMN has the side effect of deleting all the data, so 
> that's hardly usable.
> I saw some indications that this might be a minority opinion, well I would 
> like to cast a vote FOR this functionality. The workarounds are ugly, the 
> solution simple and while I agree it's possible to misuse it, my opinion is 
> that you shouldn't become a surgeon if you can't handle a scalpel. In this 
> case I get the feeling I'm reading instructions on how to do surgery with a 
> butter knife because we don't dare hand out anything sharper.

I've already said my piece on this, but I couldn't agree more.  Well
said, and your use case is exactly the one I want it for.


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