* Simon Riggs <si...@2ndquadrant.com> [100429 12:06]:
> Repeating the same thing when its been refuted doesn't help. What you
> say has not been proposed.
> If there is a case for HS-off-by-default, make it. If you want to change
> code, arguing directly against your own position, mentioned many times,
> we need a reason. How else can we know which argument of yours to
> believe?

I'm not against HS being on-by-default.    But if it is, and the WAL
it's consuming doesn't have the HS-records by default, then I want PG to
consider that a problem, make sure I absolutely know it's a problem...

I agree with Heikki that the action-at-a-distance of HS
trying-to-work-but-maybe-not-this-time-depending-on-the-master is an
undesirable state...

Like everything else in PG, I'ld like it to "work completely", or tell
me there is a problem.  

That said, I'ld probalby be happy with PG 9 having a "default" config

        wal_mode = hot_standby
        recovery_connections = on

Make it set to generate enough WAL and actually do recovery connections.

But also make the recover_connections boolean really mean what it s
called.  It's not called try_recovery_connections


Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
ai...@highrise.ca                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.

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