On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> 1. The timestamps we are reading from the log might be historical,

> 2. There could be clock skew between the master and slave servers.

> 3. There could be significant propagation delay from master to slave,

So it sounds like what you're expecting is for max_standby_delay to
represent not the maximum lag between server commit and standby commit
but rather the maximum lag introduced by conflicts. Or perhaps maximum
lag introduced relative to the lag present at startup. I think it's
possible to implement either of these and it would solve all three
problems above:

The slave maintains a static measure of how far behind it is from the
master. Every time it executes a recovery operation or waits on a
conflict it adds the time it spent executing or waiting. Every time it
executes a commit record it subtracts the *difference* between this
commit record and the last. I assume we clip at 0 so it never goes
negative which has odd effects but it seems to match what I would
expect to happen.

In the face of a standby recovering historical logs then it would
start with a assumed delay of 0. As long as the conflicts don't slow
down execution of the logs so that they run slower than the server
then the measured delay would stay near 0. The only time queries would
be canceled would be if the conflicts are causing problems replaying
the logs.

In the face of clock skew it nothing changes as long as the clocks run
at the same speed.

In the face of an environment where the master is idle I think this
scheme has the same problems you described but I think this might be
manageable. Perhaps we need more timestamps in the master's log stream
aside from the commit timestamps. Or perhaps we don't care about
standby delay except when reading a commit record since any other
record isn't actually delayed unless its commit is delayed.


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