On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Simon Riggs <si...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-05-12 at 18:05 +0100, Greg Stark wrote:
>> I'm not sure who to blame for the shouting match over whose commit
>> introduced the bug -- it doesn't seem like a relevant or useful thing
>> to argue about, please both stop.
> I haven't blamed Robert's code, merely asked him to consider that it is
> something other HS, since we have no evidence either way at present
> because the issue is sporadic and has not been replicated as yet, with
> no specific detail leading to any section of code.

I'm not really sure what we're arguing about here.  I feel like I'm
being accused either of (a) introducing the bug (which is possible) or
(b) saying that Simon introduced the bug (which presumably is also
possible, although it's not really my point).  I ventured an
uninformed guess at what the problem might be; Simon thinks my guess
is wrong, and it may well be: but either way there's a bug buried in
here somewhere and it would be nice to fix it.  I thought that it
would be a good idea for Simon to look at it because, on the surface,
it APPEARS to have something to do with Hot Standby, since that's what
Stefan was testing when he found it.  Sure, the investigation might
lead somewhere else; I completely admit that.

Now, Simon just said he HAS looked at it and can't reproduce the
problem.  So now I'm even less sure what we're arguing about.  I'm
glad he looked at it.  It's interesting that he wasn't able to
reproduce the problem.  I hope that he or someone else will find
something that helps us move forward.  I am having difficulty
reproducing Stefan's test environment and perhaps for that reason I
can't reproduce it either, though I've encountered several other
problems about which, I suppose, I will post separate emails.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise Postgres Company

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