What's poor about it? It probably comes from PLSQL which in turn got it
from Ada, so they aren't just making this up. I agree it's inconvenient
for us, but that's a different issue.

Further, the
( parameter := value ) notation is not only consistent with what is used inside pl/pgsql, it's also more consistent than "AS" with SQL Server's named parameter notation, which is:

EXEC dbo.GetItemPrice @ItemCode = 'GXKP', @PriceLevel = 5

Since former SQL Server / Sybase apps are the most likely to use named parameter notation in PostgreSQL, having a syntax which could be ported using only "sed" would be nice.

Relevant to the whole discussion, though ... is the conflicting SQL standard syntax something we're every likely to implement?

                                  -- Josh Berkus
                                     PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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