On 6/2/2010 7:49 PM, Greg Stark wrote:
On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Chris Browne <cbbro...@acm.org> wrote:
It would make it easy to conclude:

  "This next transaction did 8328194 updates.  Maybe we should do
  some kind of checkpoint (e.g. - commit transaction or such) before
  working on it."


  "This transaction we're thinking of working on had 7 updates.  No
  big deal..."

I'm puzzled how you would define this value. How do you add 7 inserts,
7 deletes, and 7 updates? Is that 21 rows modified? Why are the 7
inserts and 7 deletes worth twice as much as the 7 updates when
they're basically the same thing? What if the inserts fired triggers
which inserted 7 more rows, is that 14? What if the 7 updates modified
2 TB of TOAST data but the 8238194 updates were all to the same record
and they were all HOT updates so all it did was change 8kB?

In any case you'll have all the actual data from your triggers or
hooks or whatever so what value does having the system keep track of
this add?

The point is not that we don't have that information now. The point is having a hint BEFORE wading through possibly gigabytes of WAL or log data.

If getting that information requires to read all the log data twice or the need to read gigabytes of otherwise useless WAL data (as per Bruce's suggestion), we better not get it at all and just keep doing what we are doing now.

I actually have a hard time understanding why people are so opposed to a feature that has zero impact at all unless a DBA actually turns in ON. What is the problem with exposing the commit order of transactions?


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