On Wed, 2010-08-11 at 15:27 -0700, David Fetter wrote:
> > I've been developing it as a contrib module because:
> > * I'd imagine it's easier than developing it as a built-in datatype
> > right away (e.g. editing a .sql.in file versus editing pg_type.h ).
> > * As a module, it has PGXS support, so people can try it out right
> > away rather than having to recompile PostgreSQL.
> > 
> > I, for one, think it would be great if the JSON datatype were all in
> > core :-)  However, if and how much JSON code should go into core is up
> > for discussion.  Thoughts, anyone?
> +1 for putting it in core in 9.1 :)

I would be curious to the benefit of putting it in core. I have no
problem with the type but in core?

Joshua D. Drake

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