On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.steh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Also as mentioned upthread there are effective workarounds if you poke
>> around a bit.  This is a FAQ, and there are about 3-4 solid methods
>> (if you search the archives) that cover most problems you would be
>> looking at multiple results sets to solve.  I suppose this is why
>> there hasn't been more of an effort to do this earlier.  People asking
>> for this are typically dispossessed SQL server developers who haven't
>> quite gotten used to the postgres way of things. Not that proper
>> stored procedures wouldn't be great -- they would be -- but they are
>> not the only way to solve these types of problems.
> I had a prototype that can do multirecordset. But implementation of
> non transact procedures needs a hundreds  hours of work:
> * outer SPI
> * parametrization for non planner statements - for CALL statement
> * explicit transaction control for procedures.
> * client API support for multirecordset
> * better support for OUT variables.

Curious: is mulitset handling as you see it supported by the current
v3 protocol?


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