On 22/09/10 11:14, sub...@cse.iitb.ac.in wrote:

How can I increase the stack depth limit ? Is it only by modifying the
postgres.conf file, but there I cannot increase the stack depth beyond 4

Actually, my problem is that, when I set the stack base address of the
child thread using the POSIX library function "pthread_setstackaddr()", I
am unable to access the memory contents of its parent. The data-structures
in the parent are either getting destroyed or unaccessible when moving to
the context of the child thread.

It is not a good idea to use threads in server code. PostgreSQL server code is not thread-safe, things will break.

Assuming that you're not actually doing that but using threads in the client instead, max_stack_depth should have no effect on you as it only affects the server.

But you really should find another way to communicate between threads. Stacks should be treated as thread-private. Use malloc() or something and global variables.

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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