Tom Lane <> writes:
> Not having read the patch, but ... the idea that was in the back of
> my mind was to have a generic AlterObjectNamespace function that
> would take parameters approximately like the following:
>       OID of catalog containing object
>       Column number of catalog's namespace column (Anum_xxx constant)
>       OID of intended new namespace

Ah, the trick is to use the Anum_xxx, of course. I couldn't get rid of
thinking how to dynamically access by name... will have a try at that,
thanks for the idea.

> You could do a generic heap_open() on the catalog using the OID,
> and then use heap_modify_tuple to apply the namespace column update.

Thanks for pointing me to the right APIs: finding them is where the time
is mostly spent as far as I'm concerned.

> It might be nice to include the "object already exists" check here
> too, which could probably be done if in addition the column number
> of the name column were passed in.  Permission checks too, if the
> owner column number were passed in.  Etc.

Well it seems that depending on the object, sometime only superusers are
allowed to edit things, and sometime the owner too. Will add a boolean
superuser_only in the prototype.

Dimitri Fontaine     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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