On Nov 10, 2010, at 5:31 AM, Kevin Grittner wrote:

> For the Serializable Snapshot Isolation (SSI) patch I needed a test
> suite which would handle concurrent sessions which interleaved
> statements in predictable ways.  I was told pgTAP wasn't a good
> choice for that and went with Markus Wanner's dtester package.  The
> SSI patch adds a "dcheck" build target which is not included in any
> others to run the dtester tests.

Right. pgTAP doesn't run tests, it's just a collection of assertion functions 
written in SQL and PL/pgSQL. It could have been used via a forking Perl script 
that would connect to the proper boxes, run the tests, collect the results, 
etc. But it clearly would have been a PITA, and the path of least resistance is 
often the best solution when hacking. Going with dcheck, which already did what 
you wanted, was clearly the right choice.

Hopefully we can have the build farm animals run the dcheck target once SSI is 



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