to me the key its security - its a anti-DBA-with-lack-of-attention feature.
If i forget the "WHERE" statement, I will delete some valid tuples and
messed up the bd, but its less-than-worst that exclude all the table. A DBA
who never forgot an "WHERE" in an "DELETE" is not an DBA. Just kidding, but
this happens often enough.

is there another option to implement this ? Its possible to be done by
plugins/extension (in a Firefox browser style) ?

Daniel Loureiro

2010/11/30 Andrew Dunstan <>

> On 11/30/2010 09:57 AM, Csaba Nagy wrote:
> So it is really an ideological thing and not lack of demand or
> implementation attempts... I for myself can't write working C code
> anyway, so I got my peace with the workaround - I wish you good luck
> arguing Tom :-)
> We need a convincing use case for it. So far the only one that's seemed at
> all convincing to me is the one about deleting in batches. But that might be
> enough.
> As for it being illogical, I don't think it's any more so than
> DELETE FROM foo WHERE random() < 0.1;
> and you can do that today.
> cheers
> andrew

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