On 11/30/2010 02:12 PM, Kevin Grittner wrote:
Daniel Loureiro<dan...@termasa.com.br>   wrote:

to me the key its security - its a anti-DBA-with-lack-of-attention

Well, it seems pretty weak to me for that purpose.  You still trash
data, and you don't have any immediate clue as to what.

I agree, that argument is completely misconceived. If the DBA is paying
enough attention to use LIMIT, s/he should be paying enough attention
not to do damage in the first place. If that were the only argument in
its favor I'd be completely against the feature.

I don't buy the argument either; why would you put a LIMIT there and delete one row by accident when you could put a BEGIN; in front and not do any damage at all?

Marko Tiikkaja

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