"Joel Burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Would this have the benefit of allow PostgreSQL to work properly in BSD
> jails, since lack of really working SysV IPC was the problem there?
>> Was the problem just with semas, or was shmem an issue too?

> Not sure -- doesn't get far enough for me to tell. initdb dies with:

> creating template1 database in /usr/local/pgsql/data/base/1...
> IpcSemaphoreCreate: semget(key=1, num=17, 03600) failed:
> Function not implemented

We create shared memory before semaphores, so if you got this far then
the shmem code is probably working (at least minimally).

Do you have working sem_open or sem_init (ie, POSIX semaphores)?

                        regards, tom lane

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