On Jan 14, 2011, at 11:37 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:

>> Hard to comment on any of this without a concrete example (including
>> data) to look at.  Given the bugs we've recently found in the picksplit
>> algorithms for other contrib modules, I wouldn't be too surprised if the
>> sucky GiST performance traced to a similar bug in intarray.  But I'm not
>> excited about devising my own test case.

FWIW, it looks like we're able to fix the GiST performance by using 
gist__intbig_ops. Relevant thread:


Perhaps time to revisit using gist__int_ops as the default?

> I could give you access to the box in question if you'd like to poke at it. 
> Send me a public key.
>> One other point here is that GIN index build time is quite sensitive to
>> maintenance_work_mem --- what did you have that set to?
> 64MB



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