On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 8:30 PM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think the most important part of all this is that it is logged.
> Anyone who is running synchronous replication should also be doing
> careful monitoring; if not, shame on them, because if your data is
> important enough that you need synchronous replication, it's surely
> important enough to watch the logs.  If you don't, all sorts of bad
> things can happen to your data (either related to sync rep, or
> otherwise) and you'll have no idea until it's far too late.


If your data is that important, your logs/monitoring are *equally*
important, because they are what give you confidence your data is as
safe as you think it is...

Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
ai...@highrise.ca                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.

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