Mitsuru IWASAKI wrote:
the patch is available at:

We can't accept patches just based on a pointer to a web site. Please e-mail this to the mailing list so that it can be considered a submission under the project's licensing terms.

I hope this would be committable and the final version.

PostgreSQL has high standards for code submissions. Extremely few submissions are committed without significant revisions to them based on code review. So far you've gotten a first round of high-level design review, there's several additional steps before something is considered for a commit. The whole process is outlined at

From a couple of minutes of reading the patch, the first things that pop out as problems are:

-All of the ControlFile -> controlFile renaming has add a larger difference to ReadControlFile than I would consider ideal.
-Touching StrategyControl is not something this patch should be doing.
-I don't think your justification ("debugging or portability") for keeping around your original code in here is going to be sufficient to do so. -This should not be named enable_buffer_cache_hibernation. That very large diff you ended up with in the regression tests is because all of the settings named enable_* are optimizer control settings. Using the name "buffer_cache_hibernation" instead would make a better starting point.

From a bigger picture perspective, this really hasn't addressed any of my comments about shared_buffers only being the beginning of the useful cache state to worry about here. I'd at least like the solution to the buffer cache save/restore to have a plan for how it might address that too one day. This project is also picky about only committing code that fits into the long-term picture for desired features.

Having a working example of a server-side feature doing cache storage and restoration is helpful though. Don't think your work here is unappreciated--it is. Getting this feature added is just a harder problem than what you've done so far.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant US   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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