On Tue, 2011-06-07 at 10:20 -0700, Jeff Davis wrote:
> > BTW, Jeff, have you worked out the implications of collations for
> > textual range types?
> Well, "it seems to work" is about as far as I've gotten.
> As far as the implications, I'll need to do a little more research and
> thinking. But I don't immediately see anything too worrisome.

I take that back :(

It looks like the type input function may be a problem, because it
doesn't look like it knows what the collation is yet. In other words,
PG_GET_COLLATION() is zero for the type input function.

But I need to do a comparison to find out if the range is valid or not.
For instance:
  '[a, Z)'::textrange
is valid in "en_US" but not "C".

The range constructor:
  range('a', 'Z')
is fine though.

Not sure what to do here.

        Jeff Davis

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