On Mon, 2011-06-06 at 16:45 +0000, Christopher Browne wrote:
> How to slice it apart into an appropriate admixture of core and
> extensions is a good question, though it seems pretty likely that
> having an extension for each data type that is to be mixed into a
> range is a reasonable way to go.


> Per-type extensions offers a pretty natural partitioning of the code
> for each type, which seems pretty good.

Ideally, most range types can be created with a simple:

CREATE TYPE foorange AS RANGE (subtype=foo);

There might be a few subtype-specific functions, like the canonical
function, but overall it should be a small amount of code per range.
However, I'd say just bundle a bunch of rangetypes together in one
extension. There's not really much cost -- if you are using one range
type, you'll use a few more.

        Jeff Davis

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