On tor, 2011-06-30 at 09:42 +0900, Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
> Why don't you worry about message translations then? Translation is a
> human process and there's no way to guaranteer the translation is
> perfect.

At least for message translations we have a process and sophisticated
tools that ensure that the translation has been done and when and by
whom.  If you create additional translation maintenance effort, then if
you could integrate that into the existing PO-based system, I'm sure the
objections would be less (or different).

And another important point: the PO-based system never shows outdated
translations to the user.

But if we're adding another step to the release preparation where
someone has to chase down half a dozen people to update some file, that
creates a lot more burden and bottlenecks, including the possibility to
hold up minor releases or having to remove files in minor releases.

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