On 07/24/2011 03:50 AM, Jeff Janes wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 7:03 AM, Stefan Kaltenbrunner
> <ste...@kaltenbrunner.cc> wrote:
>> On 06/13/2011 01:55 PM, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
>> [...]
>>> all those tests are done with pgbench running on the same box - which
>>> has a noticable impact on the results because pgbench is using ~1 core
>>> per 8 cores of the backend tested in cpu resoures - though I don't think
>>> it causes any changes in the results that would show the performance
>>> behaviour in a different light.
>> actuall testing against sysbench with the very same workload shows the
>> following performance behaviour:
>> with 40 threads(aka the peak performance point):
>> pgbench:        223308 tps
>> sysbench:       311584 tps
>> with 160 threads (backend contention dominated):
>> pgbench:        57075
>> sysbench:       43437
>> so it seems that sysbench is actually significantly less overhead than
>> pgbench and the lower throughput at the higher conncurency seems to be
>> cause by sysbench being able to stress the backend even more than
>> pgbench can.
>> for those curious - the profile for pgbench looks like:
>> samples  %        symbol name
>> 29378    41.9087  doCustom
>> 17502    24.9672  threadRun
>> 7629     10.8830  pg_strcasecmp
>> 5871      8.3752  compareVariables
>> 2568      3.6633  getVariable
>> 2167      3.0913  putVariable
>> 2065      2.9458  replaceVariable
>> 1971      2.8117  parseVariable
>> 534       0.7618  xstrdup
>> 278       0.3966  xrealloc
>> 137       0.1954  xmalloc
> Hi Stefan,
> How was this profile generated?  I get a similar profile using
> --enable-profiling and gprof, but I find it not believable.  The
> complete absence of any calls to libpq is not credible.  I don't know
> about your profiler, but with gprof they should be listed in the call
> graph even if they take a negligible amount of time.  So I think
> pgbench is linking to libpq libraries that do not themselves support
> profiling (I have no idea how that could happen though).  If the calls
> graphs are not getting recorded correctly, surely the timing can't be
> reliable either.

hmm - the profile was generated using oprofile, but now that you are
mentioning this aspect, I suppose that this was a profile run without
opcontrol --seperate=lib...
I'm not currently in a position to retest that - but maybe you could do
a run?

> (I also tried profiling pgbench with "perf", but in that case I get
> nothing other than kernel and libc calls showing up.  I don't know
> what that means)
> To support this, I've dummied up doCustom so that does all the work of
> deciding what needs to happen, executing the metacommands,
> interpolating the variables into the SQL string, but then simply
> refrains from calling the PQ functions to send and receive the query
> and response.  (I had to make a few changes around the select loop in
> threadRun to support this).
> The result is that the dummy pgbench is charged with only 57% more CPU
> time than the stock one, but it gets over 10 times as many
> "transactions" done.  I think this supports the notion that the CPU
> bottleneck is not in pgbench.c, but somewhere in the libpq or the
> kernel.

interesting - iirc we actually had some reports about current libpq
behaviour causing scaling issues on some OSes - see
http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2009-06/msg00748.php and
some related threads. Iirc the final patch for that was never applied
though and the original author lost interest, I think that I was able to
measure some noticable performance gains back in the days but I don't
think I still have the numbers somewhere.


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