> On Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 12:58:07PM +0200, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> > What would be really cool is if we could somehow reuse the conversion
> > modules provided by the C library and/or the iconv library.  For example,
>                                               ^^^^^^^
>  Very good point. Why use own conversion routines/tables if there is common
>  library for this?

I'm not still sure about the details of conversion map used by
iconv. Japanese users have enough trouble with the conversin between
Unicode and othe charsets. This is because there are many variation of
conversion maps provided by vendors. For example, the conversion map
used for Unicode and SJIS in PostgreSQL has been carefully designed to
minimize problems described above. Another issue is the availabilty of
iconv among platforms. If we are sure that a particlular iconv
conversion routine is available on all platforms and the conversion
result is good eough, our conversion routine could be replaced by new
one using iconv.

>  The encoding API for PostgreSQL is really cool idea.
>  I unsure with only one argument for encoding function. What if I want
>  to use one generic function for all encodings (for example as API to
>  iconv)?

Use a simple wrap function.
Tatsuo Ishii

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