Oliver Elphick wrote:
> The current upgrade process for PostgreSQL is founded on the idea that
> people build from source.  With binary distributions, half the users
> wouldn't know what to do with source; they expect (and are entitled to
> expect) that an upgrade will progress without the need for significant
> intervention on their part.  PostgreSQL makes this really difficult for
> the package maintainers, and this has a knock-on effect on the
> reliability of the upgrade process and thus on PostgreSQL itself.

I have to object here. The PostgreSQL upgrade process is based on
the idea of dump, install, initdb, restore. That has nothing to
do with building from source or installing from binaries.

The problem why this conflicts with these package managers is,
because they work package per package, instead of looking at the
big picture. Who said you can replace package A before running
the pre-upgrade script of dependent package B? Somehow this looks
like a foreign key violation to me. Oh, I forgot, RI constraints
are for documentation purposes only ... Greetings from the MySQL
documentation ;-)



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being
right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive
me.                                  #

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