On Wed, 2002-07-10 at 16:20, Lamar Owen wrote:
> On Wednesday 10 July 2002 09:11 am, Hannu Krosing wrote:
> > On Wed, 2002-07-10 at 01:09, Lamar Owen wrote:
> > > The wc utility isn't in the path in an OS install situation.  The df
> > > utility isn't in the path, either.  You can use python, though. :-)  Not
> > > that that would be a good thing in this context, however.
> > Why not ?
> > The following is wc in python
> [snip]
> > And I have written custom postgres table dumpers in python without too
> > much effort (except reverse-engineering the page structure ;) for both
> > 6.x and 7.x database tables, so we could actually use python here too.
> I'm willing to look into this.  However, the dump still has to be pulled with 
> a standalone backend -- no networking availability can be assumed.

Actually it works on raw table file ;)

I attach code that dumps data from page file for table of 4 ints all NOT
NULL, like

create table fourints(
  i1 int not null,
  i2 int not null,
  i3 int not null,
  i4 int not null

the script is meant for quick and dirty resque operations, and requires
that one writes their own data-field extractor code. I have used it
mainly to resurrect accidentally deleted data.

it is for 7.x style pagefile layout



import sys,os,struct,string

page_size = 8*1024

def strbits(s,len):
    bits = []
    while s:
        c = s[0]
        s = s[1:]
        b = struct.unpack('B',c)[0]
        for i in range(8):
            if b & (1<<i): bits.append(1)
            else: bits.append(0)
    return string.join(map(str,bits),'')[:len]


class table_page:
    "class to represent a database table page"
    def __init__(self,fd,page_nr,dataconv):
        self.rawdata = fd.read(page_size)
        if not self.rawdata:
        self.opaque = \
        if DEBUGPRINT:
            print self.lower,self.upper,self.special,self.opaque
        for i in range(20,self.lower,4):
            rawItemIdData = self.rawdata[i:i+4]
            ItemIdData_I32 = struct.unpack('L',rawItemIdData)[0]
            if not ItemIdData_I32: break
            lp_len = int(ItemIdData_I32 >> 17)
            lp_flags = int((ItemIdData_I32 >> 15) & 3)
            lp_off = int(ItemIdData_I32 & 0x7fff)
            rawItemData = self.rawdata[lp_off:lp_off+lp_len]
            t_oid,t_001,t_002,t_xmin,t_xmax,tid1,tid2,t_fcnt,t_xxx,t_doff = \
                struct.unpack('6L3HB', rawItemData[ 0: 31])
            t_ctid  = (tid1,tid2)
            t_mask = strbits(rawItemData[31:t_doff],t_fcnt)   
            raw_data = rawItemData[t_doff:]   
#            unpack 4 ints
            t_data = dataconv(raw_data,t_mask)
    def __str__(self):
         return string.join(map(repr,self.items),'\n')

if __name__=="__main__":
    site_base = "."
    db_name = ""
    table_name = "171617.16k"

    db_path = os.path.join(site_base,db_name)
    table_path = os.path.join(db_path,table_name)

    print table_path

    # this custom data converter must be written for each table
    # or derived from reading system tables

    def extract4ints(data,nullmask):
        return struct.unpack('LLLL', data)

    print '# dumping %s' % table_path
    fd = open(table_name)
    page_nr = 0
    while 1:
        page = table_page(fd,page_nr,extract4ints)
        if not page.rawdata: break
        print page
        page_nr = page_nr + 1
    print 'processed %d pages' % page_nr

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