On tis, 2011-11-22 at 15:42 -0500, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> > I thought these were fixed a while ago, but I'm still seeing these when
> > upgrading from master to self (using testing script sent in a while
> > ago).   This is completely reproducible.  What's happening?
> > 
> > ...
> > Restoring user relation files
> >   /home/peter/devel/postgresql/git/postgresql/contrib/pg_upgra
> > Mismatch of relation OID in database "regression": old OID 16701, new OID 
> > 16689
> > Failure, exiting
> Yes, I certainly thought they were all addressed.  What object is 16701
> in the old database?  Anything unusual about it?  This is saying the
> relation oid was not preserved.

It came in with the range types feature:

+ psql -d regression -x -c 'select * from pg_class where oid = 16701'
-[ RECORD 1 ]--+----------------
relname        | test_range_gist
relnamespace   | 2200
reltype        | 16703
reloftype      | 0
relowner       | 10
relam          | 0
relfilenode    | 16701
reltablespace  | 0
relpages       | 33
reltuples      | 6200
relallvisible  | 33
reltoastrelid  | 16704
reltoastidxid  | 0
relhasindex    | t
relisshared    | f
relpersistence | p
relkind        | r
relnatts       | 1
relchecks      | 0
relhasoids     | f
relhaspkey     | f
relhasrules    | f
relhastriggers | f
relhassubclass | f
relfrozenxid   | 1627
relacl         | 
reloptions     | 

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