Andres Freund <> writes:
> I have two questions now:

> First, does anybody think it would be worth getting rid of the duplication 
> from OpenIntoRel (formerly from execMain.c) in regard to DefineRelation()?

That's probably reasonable to do, since as you say it would remove the
opportunity for bugs-of-omission in the CTAS table creation step.
OTOH, if you find yourself having to make any significant changes to
DefineRelation, then maybe not.

> Secondly, I am currently wondering whether it would be a good idea to use the 
> ModifyTable infrastructure for doing the insertion instead an own 
> DestReceiver 
> infrastructure thats only used for CTAS.

I think this is probably a bad idea; it will complicate matters and buy
little.  There's not a lot of stuff needed for the actual data insertion
step, since we know the table can't have any defaults, constraints,
triggers, etc as yet.

                        regards, tom lane

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