On 01/09/2012 09:56 PM, Greg Smith wrote:
The main question still lingering about is the viability of pushing out an 9.2alpha3 at this point. That was originally scheduled for December 20th. There was a whole lot of active code whacking still in progress that week though. And as soon as that settled (around the 30th), there was a regular flurry of bug fixes for a solid week there. A quick review of recent activity suggests right now might finally be a good time to at least tag alpha3; exactly what to do about releasing the result I don't have a good suggestion for.

I would have sworn I left this next to the bike shed...from the crickets chirping I guess not. I did complete bumping forward the patches that slipped through the November CF the other day, and it's properly closed now.

As for CF 2012-01, I had thought Robert Haas was going to run that one. My saying that is not intended to put him on the hook. Normally we'd have an official deadline announcement by now too, which as one of the notable lagging cat herders I'm content to absorb a chunk of blame for.

If someone wants to advocate an early time for the official cut-off tomorrow, don't let me stop you. But since this last one for 9.2 is "too big to fail" for me, I'm happy to take care of the announcement myself as the 15th comes to end relative to PST time tomorrow.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant US    g...@2ndquadrant.com   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support www.2ndQuadrant.com

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