On Wed, 2012-02-22 at 12:44 -0400, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

> Returning to the original point, I've come to the conclusion that
> "pure" 
> isn't the right way to go. The trouble with "leakproof" is that it 
> doesn't point to what it is that's not leaking, which is information 
> rather than memory, as many might imagine (and I did) without further 
> hints. I'm not sure any single English word would be as descriptive as
> I'd like.

As the developer of veil I feel marginally qualified to bikeshed here:
how about "silent"?  A silent function being one that will not blab.

There are also quite a few synonyms in the thesaurus for trustworthy.  I
kind of like "honorable" or "righteous" myself.


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