On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 10:15 PM, Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net> wrote:
> On 04/09/2012 12:14 PM, Dave Cramer wrote:
>> So I'm confused, once they link a file to an FDW can't you just read
>> it with an normal select ?
>> What additional functionality will this provide ?
> I'm confused about what you're confused about. Surely this won't be linking
> files to an FDW, but foreign DBMS tables, in anything you can access via
> JDBC. All you'll need on the postgres side is the relevant JDBC driver, so
> you'd have instant access via standard select queries to anything you can
> get a JDBC driver to talk to. That seems to me something worth having.
> I imagine it would look rather like this:
>   CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foodb HANDLER pljava_jdbc_handler
>   OPTIONS (driver 'jdbc.foodb.org');
>   '', user 'foouser', password 'foopw');
>   CREATE FOREIGN TABLE footbl (id int, data text) SERVER myfoodb;
>   SELECT * from footbl;
> cheers
> andrew

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for going through my proposal and commenting on it.

I think you have hit the nail on the head.We will be connecting the
foreign DBMS tables.The main aim of the project is to wrap JDBC so we
can connect to anything that can be reached through a JDBC URL.

I am considering two paths for doing this:
The first one takes the help of the SPI(Server Programming Interface)
and the second one directly connects through Pl/Java and JNI(Java
Native Interface).

Please let me know your further comments and also,please advise me on
how to proceed further.



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