Excerpts from Alvaro Herrera's message of mar jul 10 16:23:57 -0400 2012:
> Excerpts from Kyotaro HORIGUCHI's message of mar jul 03 04:59:38 -0400 2012:
> > Hello, Here is regression test runs on pg's also built with
> > cygwin-gcc and VC++.
> > 
> > The patches attached following,
> > 
> > - plperl_sql_ascii-4.patch         : fix for pl/perl utf8 vs sql_ascii
> > - plperl_sql_ascii_regress-1.patch : regression test for this patch.
> >                                      I added some tests on encoding to this.
> > 
> > I will mark this patch as 'ready for committer' after this.
> I have pushed these changes to HEAD, 9.2 and 9.1.  Instead of the games
> with plperl_lc_*.out being copied around, I just used the ASCII version
> as plperl_lc_1.out and the UTF8 one as plperl_lc.out.

... and this story hasn't ended yet, because one of the new tests is
failing.  See here:


The interesting part of the diff is:

*** 34,41 ****
    return ($str ne $match ? $code."DIFFER" : $code."ab\x{5ddd}cd");
  $$ LANGUAGE plperl;
  SELECT encode(perl_utf_inout(E'ab\xe5\xb1\xb1cd')::bytea, 'escape')
!           encode          
! --------------------------
!  NotUTF8:ab\345\267\235cd
! (1 row)
--- 34,38 ----
    return ($str ne $match ? $code."DIFFER" : $code."ab\x{5ddd}cd");
  $$ LANGUAGE plperl;
  SELECT encode(perl_utf_inout(E'ab\xe5\xb1\xb1cd')::bytea, 'escape')
! ERROR:  character with byte sequence 0xe5 0xb7 0x9d in encoding "UTF8" has no 
equivalent in encoding "LATIN1"
! CONTEXT:  PL/Perl function "perl_utf_inout"

I am not sure what can we do here other than remove this function and
query from the test.

Álvaro Herrera <alvhe...@commandprompt.com>
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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