Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
I don't think we can realistically support VS2012 until Microsoft releases the gratis Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop.

As they've released now I've updated my Patch with docs and ask for review.


diff -Napcdr -x .git postgres/doc/src/sgml/install-windows.sgml 
*** postgres/doc/src/sgml/install-windows.sgml  Thu Sep 13 23:17:21 2012
--- postgres_dev/doc/src/sgml/install-windows.sgml      Thu Sep 13 23:22:03 2012
*** 22,28 ****
    Microsoft tools is to install a supported version of the
    <productname>Microsoft Windows SDK</productname> and use the included
    compiler. It is also possible to build with the full
!   <productname>Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, 2008, 2010 or 2012</productname>. 
In some cases
    that requires the installation of the <productname>Windows SDK</productname>
    in addition to the compiler.
--- 22,28 ----
    Microsoft tools is to install a supported version of the
    <productname>Microsoft Windows SDK</productname> and use the included
    compiler. It is also possible to build with the full
!   <productname>Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, 2008 or 2010</productname>. In some 
    that requires the installation of the <productname>Windows SDK</productname>
    in addition to the compiler.
*** 77,91 ****
    <productname>Visual Studio Express</productname> or some versions of the
    <productname>Microsoft Windows SDK</productname>. If you do not already 
have a
    <productname>Visual Studio</productname> environment set up, the easiest
!   ways are to use the compilers in the <productname>Windows SDK</productname>
!   (<= 7.1) or those from <productname>Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows
!   Desktop</productname>, which are both free downloads from Microsoft.
    PostgreSQL is known to support compilation using the compilers shipped with
    <productname>Visual Studio 2005</productname> to
!   <productname>Visual Studio 2012</productname> (including Express editions),
    as well as standalone Windows SDK releases 6.0 to 7.1.
    64-bit PostgreSQL builds are only supported with
    <productname>Microsoft Windows SDK</productname> version 6.0a and above or
--- 77,90 ----
    <productname>Visual Studio Express</productname> or some versions of the
    <productname>Microsoft Windows SDK</productname>. If you do not already 
have a
    <productname>Visual Studio</productname> environment set up, the easiest
!   way is to use the compilers in the <productname>Windows SDK</productname>,
!   which is a free download from Microsoft.
    PostgreSQL is known to support compilation using the compilers shipped with
    <productname>Visual Studio 2005</productname> to
!   <productname>Visual Studio 2010</productname> (including Express editions),
    as well as standalone Windows SDK releases 6.0 to 7.1.
    64-bit PostgreSQL builds are only supported with
    <productname>Microsoft Windows SDK</productname> version 6.0a and above or
*************** $ENV{PATH}=$ENV{PATH} . ';c:\some\where\
*** 158,165 ****
        If you install the <productname>Windows SDK</productname>
        including the <application>Visual C++ Compilers</application>,
        you don't need <productname>Visual Studio</productname> to build.
-       Note that as of Version 8.0a the Windows SDK no longer ships with a
-       complete command-line build environment.
--- 157,162 ----
*************** $ENV{PATH}=$ENV{PATH} . ';c:\some\where\
*** 201,210 ****
        Bison can be downloaded from <ulink 
        Flex can be downloaded from
        <ulink url="http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/misc/winflex/";></>.
!       If you are using <productname>msysGit</productname> or 
<productname>GitHub for
!       Windows</productname> for accessing the PostgreSQL 
!       repository you probably already have recent versions of bison and flex 
in your
!       <productname>Git</productname> binary directory.
--- 198,207 ----
        Bison can be downloaded from <ulink 
        Flex can be downloaded from
        <ulink url="http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/misc/winflex/";></>.
!       If you are using <productname>msysGit</productname> for accessing the
!       PostgreSQL <productname>Git</productname> repository you probably 
!       have recent versions of bison and flex in your 
!       binary directory.
diff -Napcdr -x .git postgres/src/tools/msvc/MSBuildProject.pm 
*** postgres/src/tools/msvc/MSBuildProject.pm   Thu Sep 13 23:17:32 2012
--- postgres_dev/src/tools/msvc/MSBuildProject.pm       Thu Sep 13 23:22:03 2012
*************** sub new
*** 397,440 ****
        return $self;
- package VC2012Project;
- #
- # Package that encapsulates a Visual C++ 2012 project file
- #
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use base qw(MSBuildProject);
- sub new
- {
-     my $classname = shift;
-     my $self = $classname->SUPER::_new(@_);
-     bless($self, $classname);
-     $self->{vcver} = '11.00';
-     return $self;
- }
- sub WriteConfigurationPropertyGroup
- {
-     my ($self, $f, $cfgname, $p) = @_;
-     my $cfgtype =
-       ($self->{type} eq "exe")
-       ?'Application'
-       :($self->{type} eq "dll"?'DynamicLibrary':'StaticLibrary');
-     print $f <<EOF;
-   <PropertyGroup 
-     <ConfigurationType>$cfgtype</ConfigurationType>
-     <UseOfMfc>false</UseOfMfc>
-     <CharacterSet>MultiByte</CharacterSet>
-     <WholeProgramOptimization>$p->{wholeopt}</WholeProgramOptimization>
-     <PlatformToolset>v110</PlatformToolset>
-   </PropertyGroup>
- }
--- 397,400 ----
diff -Napcdr -x .git postgres/src/tools/msvc/Solution.pm 
*** postgres/src/tools/msvc/Solution.pm Thu Sep 13 23:17:32 2012
--- postgres_dev/src/tools/msvc/Solution.pm     Thu Sep 13 23:22:03 2012
*************** sub new
*** 689,716 ****
        return $self;
- package VS2012Solution;
- #
- # Package that encapsulates a Visual Studio 2012 solution file
- #
- use Carp;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use base qw(Solution);
- sub new
- {
-     my $classname = shift;
-     my $self = $classname->SUPER::_new(@_);
-     bless($self, $classname);
-     $self->{solutionFileVersion} = '12.00';
-     $self->{vcver} = '11.00';
-     $self->{visualStudioName} = 'Visual Studio 2012';
-     return $self;
- }
--- 689,692 ----
diff -Napcdr -x .git postgres/src/tools/msvc/VSObjectFactory.pm 
*** postgres/src/tools/msvc/VSObjectFactory.pm  Thu Sep 13 23:17:32 2012
--- postgres_dev/src/tools/msvc/VSObjectFactory.pm      Thu Sep 13 23:22:03 2012
*************** sub CreateSolution
*** 41,50 ****
                return new VS2010Solution(@_);
-       elsif ($visualStudioVersion eq '11.00')
-       {
-               return new VS2012Solution(@_);
-       }
                croak "The requested Visual Studio version is not supported.";
--- 41,46 ----
*************** sub CreateProject
*** 72,81 ****
                return new VC2010Project(@_);
-       elsif ($visualStudioVersion eq '11.00')
-       {
-               return new VC2012Project(@_);
-       }
                croak "The requested Visual Studio version is not supported.";
--- 68,73 ----
*************** sub DetermineVisualStudioVersion
*** 115,125 ****
  sub _GetVisualStudioVersion
        my ($major, $minor) = @_;
!       if ($major > 11)
  "The determined version of Visual Studio is newer than the latest supported 
version. Returning the latest supported version instead.";
!               return '11.00';
        elsif ($major < 6)
--- 107,117 ----
  sub _GetVisualStudioVersion
        my ($major, $minor) = @_;
!       if ($major > 10)
  "The determined version of Visual Studio is newer than the latest supported 
version. Returning the latest supported version instead.";
!               return '10.00';
        elsif ($major < 6)
diff -Napcdr -x .git postgres/src/tools/msvc/build.pl 
*** postgres/src/tools/msvc/build.pl    Thu Sep 13 23:17:32 2012
--- postgres_dev/src/tools/msvc/build.pl        Thu Sep 13 23:22:03 2012
*************** elsif ($ARGV[0] ne "RELEASE")
*** 50,56 ****
  # ... and do it
! if ($buildwhat and $vcver >= 10.00)
  "msbuild $buildwhat.vcxproj /verbosity:detailed /p:Configuration=$bconf");
--- 50,56 ----
  # ... and do it
! if ($buildwhat and $vcver eq '10.00')
  "msbuild $buildwhat.vcxproj /verbosity:detailed /p:Configuration=$bconf");
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