Noah Misch wrote:
I decided to try a 32-bit build, but Solution::DeterminePlatform
detected it as x64.  Its shibboleth is no longer valid; the cl.exe shipping
with VS 2012 Express for Desktop has a /favor option for both architectures:

32clhelp:/favor:<blend|ATOM> select processor to optimize for, one of:
64clhelp:/favor:<blend|AMD64|INTEL64|ATOM> select processor to optimize for, 
one of:

Overlaying the first attached change fixed detection for this particular
compiler, but I have not checked compatibility with older versions.  Do you
have VS 2008 and/or VS 2010 handy?
Older compilers work fine but localized ones will probably cause trouble (for -> für in german). I've decided to change the regex to "/^\/favor:<.+AMD64/" in my current version of the patch as this is not very likely to appear in a 32-bit environment and will not be subject ot localization problems.

Having worked around that, the build eventually failed like this:

      Creating library Debug\postgres\postgres.lib and object 
postgres.exp : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
postgres.exp : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
postgres.exp : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
.\Debug\postgres\postgres.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals 
   The command exited with code 1120.
Done executing task "Link" -- FAILED.

This compiler emits _xmm symbols automatically, where needed.  The second
attached change lets the build complete and pass tests, but I can't readily
explain why it's necessary.  In the 64-bit build, the _xmm symbols export
normally (albeit, I presume, needlessly).  I hoped to find some rationale for
the preexisting exclusion of _real, which seems to resemble _xmm in
origin and use.  Magnus/anyone, can you shed light on our exclusion of "_real"
symbols from .def files?
I kind of feel like excluding the _xmm symbols is the right thing to do but - like you - I can't explain why they cause problems in a x86 build.


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