Hannu Krosing wrote:

> I guess what he meant was that you were arguing for arguments sake (mine
> is better than yours! Yes it is! Yes it is! ...)

That's the dictionary definition of the phrase.

> and not to get to some
> solution,

and that's the source of the frustration.  I only re-subscribed to the 
list because we at OpenACS had examined PG's OO extensions quite 
thoroughly before rejecting the current implementation as being not 
useful for our work, and I thought our reasoning might be of interest.

> dismissing perfectly good arguments with a simple"not true"
> statements and suggesting people to read heavy books with the claim that
> the truth is somewhere in there ;) 

and that's what's I mean when I say he's been arguing from authority.

Don Baccus
Portland, OR
http://donb.photo.net, http://birdnotes.net, http://openacs.org

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