On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 08:59, Tom Lane wrote:
> There are a veritable ton of other issues to be resolved --- like how do
> we (efficiently) find all the indexes relevant to a given child table
> --- but the physical storage doesn't seem too complicated.

Tom, seems we have yet another false start.  Thanks for offering your
comments on the topic at hand.  Since you seem to have a good grasp on
the the "is" case is, would you be willing to offer up some additional
details on what you feel the ("veritable ton of") outstanding issues

Seems everyone clearly wants a cure and is itching to get there, yet I
don't fully understand the disease.  I suspect that there are others in
the same boat.  I feel that this is important for us all of understand. 
I think we need to understand what our "to-be" picture is as well as
what points need to be addressed before we can say we've arrived.

Willing to help spell this out?

        Greg Copeland

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