On Tuesday 13 August 2002 03:52 pm, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> Tatsuo Ishii writes:
> > The $libdir variable is defined at the compile time and it points to
> > $prefix/lib. Apparently it points to different place while doing
> > regression tests. One idea is replacing $lindir with the absolute path
> > to $prefix/lib. However I wonder this would break some installations,
> > for example RPM.

> You can replace the string '$libdir' in the conversions_create.sql file
> with an absolute directory name during the standalone regression test run.
> This could be done in the regression test driver, where the correct path
> is available as $pkglibdir.  Other, less messy solutions don't occur to me
> offhand.

The RPM's patch the regression tests to work -- in a somewhat broken way, but 
enough to get useful results.  IIRC, I'm already subbing $libdir out in them.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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