
> Warning: RULES are tricky to use correctly. They rewrite the original
> query into a new query before it is run and it is very hard to
> correctly anticipate and rewrite every possible input query into the
> desired result. There are also unexpected interactions with other
> components when RULES do something unexpected such as rewrite a single
> query to return two result sets.
> For most applications it's much simpler and more predictable to use
> TRIGGERs. ROW level triggers are evaluated for each row the original
> query is about to process (or has just finished processing) and this
> makes them much easier to follow. Statement level TRIGGERs can be used
> for audit logs and similar operations which need to run once per
> statement.

This is excellent.  However, if we are actually considerting deprecating
them, we should add the sentence "RULEs may be deprecated in a future
release of PostgreSQL."

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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