On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 6:10 PM, Josh Berkus <j...@agliodbs.com> wrote:
> Daniel,
>> I'm not going to disagree with that, I only feel it's reasonable to
>> ask why those who react so strongly against deprecation why they think
>> what they do, and receive a clinical response, because not everyone
>> has seen those use cases.  My level of interest in deprecation is only
>> as far as "if those who have to deal with the RULES implementation
>> don't want to work on it anymore in favor of other things, I think the
>> pain to users of deprecation is, from my vantage point, manageable if
>> given some time."
> Note that you have heard from one of the people maintaining RULES, who
> doesn't find them problematic to maintain (Tom).  Note that the original
> hackers calling for deprecation do not work on RULEs except where they
> touch other features.
> And I'll say again: if you want a full list of use-cases for RULEs, you
> need to go further than the -hackers list.  This is a small, insular
> community which does not represent the majority of PostgreSQL users.
> You have gone to Heroku's users, but given the nature of your user base,
> they seem like the least likely group of people to use RULEs.  That's
> like me polling a bunch of Data Warehousing geeks and then declaring
> that we don't really need SERIALIZABLE.

I have tried very assiduously to avoid generalizing, even though
perhaps I have failed.  I made a false assumption that nobody wanted
to work with RULES that I am very sorry for.

What I do not like, and stand by, is that I did not like the form of
terse dismissal of even the idea of deprecation, with a feeling that
it is entirely unnecessary to explain that assessment in any detail
for dozens of emails.  I don't think it's a healthy thing, especially
for a community where (traditionally) deprecation comes up so seldom.
I don't think this took place on the other deprecation threads so much
that spawned in this one's wake.

I can only offer the data I have.  Please do not over-read in what I
have been trying to communicate, or conflate my position with those of
other individuals, if you feel there is a chance of that.

Let us please consider the matter resolved unless you feel you have
more pointers for me -- anyone can send them to me individually,
perhaps. I am not soldiering for the deprecation of RULES, but rather
the community's approach to but a suggestion of certain kinds of
change. Perhaps this is but a one-off, because discussion in the other
threads has been seemingly healthier.


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