On 11/30/2012 03:38 PM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

On 11/29/2012 06:34 PM, Merlin Moncure wrote:
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net> wrote:
There are many things wrong with this. First, converting to hstore so you can call populate_record is quite horrible and ugly and inefficient. And it's dependent on having hstore loaded - you can't have an hstore_to_jon in core because hstore itself isn't in core. If you want a populate_record that takes data from json we should have one coded direct. I'm happy to add it to the list as long as everyone understands the limitations. Given a function to unnest the json array, which I already suggested upthread, you could do
what you suggested above much more elegantly and directly.
I wasn't suggesting you added the hstore stuff and I understand
perfectly well the awkwardness of the hstore route.  That said, this
is how people are going to use your api so it doesn't hurt to go
through the motions; I'm just feeling out how code in the wild would
shape up.

Anyways, my example was busted since you'd need an extra step to move
the set returning output from the json array unnest() into a
'populate_record' type function call.

So, AIUI I think you're proposing (i'm assuming optional quotes)
following my example above:

INSERT INTO foo(a,b)
   json_get_as_text(v, 'a')::int,
   json_get_as_text(v, 'b')::int
json_each(<document>) v; /* gives you array of json (a,b) records */

a hypothetical 'json_to_record (cribbing usage from populate_record)'
variant might look like (please note, I'm not saying 'write this now',
just feeling it out)::

INSERT INTO foo(a,b)
   json_each(<document>) v,
   json_to_record(null::foo, v) r;

you're right: that's pretty clean.

An json_object_each(json), => key, value couldn't hurt either -- this
would handle those oddball cases of really wide objects that you
occasionally see in json.  Plus as_text variants of both each and
object_each.  If you're buying json_object_each, I think you can scrap

OK, so based on this discussion, I'm thinking of the following:

 * keep the original functions and operators. json_keys is still
   required for the case where the json is not flat.
 * json_each(json) => setof (text, text)
   errors if the json is not a flat object
Why not json_each(json) => setof (text, json) ? with no erroring out ?

if the json does represent text it is easy to convert to text on the query side.

 * json_unnest(json) => setof json
   errors if the json is not an array
 * json_unnest_each => setof (int, text, text)
   errors if the array is not an array of flat objects
json_unnest_each => setof (int, text, json)
 * populate_record(record, json) => record
   errors if the json isn't a flat object
errors if the values are not castable to records field types

nb! some nonflatness is castable. especially to json or hstore or record types

 * populate_recordset(record, json) => setof record
   errors if the json is not an array of flat objects
Note that I've added a couple of things to deal with json that represents a recordset (i.e. an array of objects). This is a very common pattern and one well worth optimizing for.

I think that would let you do a lot of what you want pretty cleanly.



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