On 23.01.2013 07:31, Jon Erdman wrote:
Done. Attached.

Thanks, committed.

On 29.12.2012 20:56, Stephen Frost wrote:
> No biggie, and to get the bike-shedding started, I don't really like the
> column name or the values.. :)  I feel like something clearer would be
> "Runs_As" with "caller" or "owner"..  Saying "Security" makes me think
> of ACLs more than what user ID the function runs as, to be honest.

I have to agree that calling the property "security definer/invoker" is a poor name in general. "security" is such on overloaded word that it could mean anything. "Run as" would make a lot more sense. But given that that's the nomenclature we have in the CREATE FUNCTION statement, the docs, prosecdef column name and everywhere, that's what we have to call it in \df+ too.

- Heikki

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