On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 1:18 PM, David E. Wheeler <da...@justatheory.com> wrote:

couple other suggestions:

> Existing Name                  Proposed Name
> --------------------------     ----------------------------------------
> json_array_length()             array_length() or length() or size()

very much prefer without 'array_' prefix as this leads to semantic
confusion with our (generally badly named) array manipulation API.
So, length() -- also I see no reason why this can't be made to run if
the outermost container is an object but that's an acceptable
implementation detail.

> json_each()                     each_json()

why not each().  Assumption to return json is reasonable and doesn't
need decoration IMO.

> json_each_as_text()             each_text()

like this

> json_get()                      get_json()

prefer get()

> json_get_as_text()              get_text()

like this

> json_get_path()                 get_json()

get() please

> json_get_path_as_text()         get_text()

like this

> json_object_keys()              get_keys()

like this

> json_populate_record()          record() or row()


> json_populate_recordset()       records() or rows()


> json_unnest()                   get_values()

greatly prefer unwrap()

> json_agg()                      collect_json()

perfer to leave as json_agg() -- we have string_agg, array_agg, etc.


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