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> That makes no sense. I don't see any way to implement this in an opclass, and 
> it wouldn't make sense to re-implement this for every opclass anyway.
> The basic idea of a fractal tree index is to attach a buffer to every 
> non-leaf page. On insertion, instead of descending all the way down to the 
> correct leaf page, the new tuple is put on the buffer at the root page. When 
> that buffer fills up, all the tuples in the buffer are cascaded down to the 
> buffers on the next level pages. And recursively, whenever a buffer fills up 
> at any level, it's flushed to the next level. This speeds up insertions, as 
> you don't need to fetch and update the right leaf page on every insert; the 
> lower-level pages are updated in batch as a buffer fills up.
> As I said earlier, this is very similar to the way the GiST buffering build 
> algorithm works. It could be applied to any tree-structured access method, 
> including b-tree, GiST and SP-GiST.

Can we implement it in a generic manner then? I mean,irrespective of the tree 
it is being applied to,be it BTree,gist or spgist?

Another thing,in case of a large tree which is split over multiple pages, how 
do we reduce the cost of I/o to fetch and rewrite all those pages?


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