
I have no objections,

Thank you for update



2013/2/28 Kyotaro HORIGUCHI <horiguchi.kyot...@lab.ntt.co.jp>:
> Hello, Could you let me review this patch?
>> >> * merged Dean's doc
>> >> * allow NULL as width
> I understand that this patch aims pure expansion of format's
> current behavior and to mimic the printf in SUS glibc (*1).
> (*1) http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/printf.html
> This patch seems to preserve the behaviors of current
> implement. And also succeeds in mimicking almost of SUS without
> very subtle difference.
> Attached is the new patch which I've edited following the
> comments below and some fixed of typos, and added a few regtests.
> If you have no problem with this, I'll send this to committer.
> What do you think of this?
> My comments are below,
> ======================================
> Following is a comment about the behavior.
>  - The minus('-') is a flag, not a sign nor a operator. So this
>    seems permitted to appear more than one time. For example,
>    printf(">>%-------10s<<", "hoge") yields the output
>    ">>hoge______<<" safely. This is consistent with the behavior
>    when negative value is supplied to '-*' conversion.
> Followings are some comments about coding,
> in text_format_parse_digits,
>   - is_valid seems to be the primary return value so returning
>     this as function's return value should make the caller more
>     simple.
>   - Although the compiler should deal properly with that, I don't
>     think it proper to use the memory pointed by function
>     parameters as local working storage. *inum and *is_valid in
>     the while loop should be replaced with local variables and
>     set them after the values are settled.
>   - This macro name sounds somewhat confusing and this could be
>     used also in text_format_parse_digits. I propose
>     FORWARD_PARSE_POINT instead. Also I removed end_ptr from
>     macro parameters but I'm not sure of the pertinence of that.
> for text_format_parse_format:
>   - Using start_ptr as a working pointer makes the name
>     inappropriate.
>   - Out parameters seems somewhat redundant. indirect_width and
>     indirect_width_parameter could be merged using 0 to indicate
>     unnumbered.
> for text_format:
>   - maximum number of function argument limited to FUNC_MAX_ARGS
>     (100), so no need to care of wrap around of argument index, I
>     suppose.
>   - Something seems confusing at the lines follow
>     |  /* Not enough arguments?  Deduct 1 to avoid counting format string. */
>     | if (arg > nargs - 1)
>     This expression does not have so special meaning. The maximum
>     index in an zero-based array should not be equal to or larger
>     than the number of the elements of it. If that's not your
>     intent, some rewrite would be needed..
>   - Only int4 is directly read for width value in the latest
>     patch, but int2 can also be directly readable and it should
>     be needed.
> regards,
> --
> Kyotaro Horiguchi
> NTT Open Source Software Center

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