
I have a database dump file (unfortunately with proprietary information)
which leads to the following error in logs during its restoration (even
after initdb - it is stable reproducible, at the same large table, the same

*LOG:  server process (PID 18705) was terminated by signal 7: Bus error*
DETAIL:  Failed process was running: COPY *br_agent_log* (id, agent_id,
stamp, trace, message) FROM stdin;
LOG:  terminating any other active server processes
WARNING:  terminating connection because of crash of another server process
and then, after recovery:
redo done at 0/12DDB7A8
LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
ERROR:  could not read block 1 in file "base/57390/11783": read only 4448
of 8192 bytes at character 39

I think it could look like a memory corruption in PG? BTW 9.1.8 does not
have such problem - the restoration is OK.

Possibly I could help with this crash investigation? How to do it better?
Maybe you have a tutorial article about it which shows the preferable error
reporting format?

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