On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 6:09 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> [...]
> Or, if you'd rather a more direct answer: wanting this sounds like
> evidence of bad application design.  Why is your app dependent on
> getting failures from currval, and isn't there a better way to do it?
The sequence cache (seqtab) is used per each backend, so if we use a
connection pooler (like pgbouncer in session mode) between our app and
postgres we can get a wrong value from 'currval' because the backend isn't
completely clean.

This isn't it a good reason to implement this feature?


Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
>> Blog sobre TI: http://fabriziomello.blogspot.com
>> Perfil Linkedin: http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/fabriziomello

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