On 2013-06-15 08:44 CEST, Brendan Jurd wrote:
On 15 June 2013 16:18, Craig Ringer ... wrote:
On 06/15/2013 02:08 PM, Brendan Jurd wrote:
On 15 June 2013 14:43, Craig Ringer ... wrote:
The #1 question I see on Stack Overflow has to be confusion about
pg_hba.conf, mostly from people who have no idea it exists, don't understand
how to configure it, etc.
The totally non-obvious name of the file probably has something to do
with that.  It should be called 'auth.conf'.
Not convinced; since it only controls one facet of auth - it doesn't
define users, passwords, grants, etc ...

When somebody is setting up postgres for the first time, and they list
the contents of the config directory, you want them to have some idea

as they may not have read up to section 19.1 The pg_hba.conf File inside chapter 19 Client Authentication of part III. Server Administration :-?, which states (as of 9.2.4):
Client authentication is controlled by a configuration file, which traditionally is named pg_hba.conf and is stored in the database cluster's data directory. (HBA stands for host-based authentication.) A default pg_hba.conf file is installed when the data directory is initialized by initdb. It is possible to place the authentication configuration file elsewhere, however; see the hba_file configuration parameter. ...

;-) thanks to hyperlinks this is quite close to the start, but I was surprised to not find it by skimming the text and following the hyperlinks but by knowing the filename instead and entering it ("pg_hba.conf") into the Search Documentation text field on the top right corner of http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/interactive/index.html.

Maybe we could find a better place of the whatever-then-name inside the part of the docs even the "TL;DR" mood people might read? A paragraph or two spiced up with some catchy StackOverflow-inspired terms people with a need to configure this authentication aspect might have expected could also be expected in INSTALL like docs or directly observable on the hyperlinked way from part I. Tutorial chapter 1 Getting Started section 1.1 Installation all down to chapter 15. Installation from Source Code. But of course only, if this is "wanted behavior".

If I read the section 1.1 Installation (again 9.2.4) I have the impression, that it more transports the message in our case, that "you are the site admin, deal with it, read the docs", or don't I read it right? (I am a non-native English reader)

what each of the files is for.  If they see something called
'auth.conf', they'll get the right general idea.  An understanding of
the nuances (like that it doesn't control user accounts) will come
once they open up the file -- which they may well do, because it is
called 'auth.conf', and 'auth' is a thing you want to configure.

that may well be, I do not know, how people that prefer reading folder and filenames over manuals written for them grok text, as I read the docs, promised ;-)

If they see something called 'pg_hba.conf', they may very reasonably
assume that it is some internal/advanced stuff that they don't need to
worry about just yet, because what the heck is a 'pg_hba'?  The 'pg'
is unnecessary and the 'hba' is an internal jargon term that we've
ill-advisedly allowed to leak out into the filename.

at around 1995 when I started using Postgres95 it sure took some time to find that pg_hba.conf file, but I then perceived it to be very well documented, and also felt a bit guilty, as it's name occured in the INSTALL file cf. ftp://ftp-archives.postgresql.org/pub/source/v7.2/postgresql-7.2.tar.gz and the INSTALL file. Therein "burried" inside Step 1 of "If You Are Upgrading" ...

If you really feel that 'auth.conf' is too imprecise, maybe something
like 'conn-auth.conf' would be more your style.

I think you guys did and still do a fantastic job with PostgreSQL and eps. it's documentation, but in this case I doubt, that any renaming of config files will really have an impact on usability in the shady area of "TL;DR" - at least for the next twenty years or so - as it still holds, that from a false start (eg. not reading documentation written) anything may follow.

But as usability is a practical concern I (as a user) would be +0 on renaming it if people not finding it bearing the old name, but then editing it is really wanted behavior.

All the best,

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