On 08/05/2013 10:49 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> Josh, I really have to ask- are these people who are implementing puppet
> to control these configs really clamoring to have an 'ALTER SYSTEM' PG
> command to have to code against instead of dealing with text files?  I
> feel like you're arguing for these parameters to be modifiable through
> ALTER SYSTEM on the grounds that these parameters need to be set at some
> point and in some way and not because having them set through ALTER
> SYSTEM actually makes any *sense*.

Nope.  ALTER SYSTEM, from my POV, is mainly for folks who *don't* use
Puppet/Chef/whatever.  Here's where I see ALTER SYSTEM being useful:

* invididually managed servers with out centralized management (i.e. one
DBA, one server).
* developer machines (i.e. laptops and vms)
* automated testing of tweaking performance parameters
* setting logging parameters temporarily on systems under centralized

For that reason, the only way in which I think it makes sense to try to
make ALTER SYSTEM set work together with Puppet/Chef is in the rather
limited context of modifying the logging settings for limited-time data
collection.  Mostly, ALTER SYSTEM SET is for systems were people
*aren't* using Puppet/Chef.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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