On 08/05/2013 08:21 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:
> On 08/05/2013 11:14 AM, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
>> * in a few years from now people will just use superuser over the
>> network for almost all stuff "because its easy and I can click around in
>> $gui", having potential "unsafe" operations available over the network
>> will in turn cause a lot of actual downtime (in a lot of cases the
>> reason why people want remote management is because the don't have
>> physical/shell access - so if they break stuff they cannot fix)
> See thread "Disabling ALTER SYSTEM SET".
>> * for classic IaaS/SaaS/DBaaS the ALTER SYSTEM seems to be mostly
>> useless in the current form - because most of them will not or cannot
>> hand out flat out superuser (like if you run a managed service you might
>> want customers to be able to tweak some stuff but say not
>> archive/pitr/replication stuff because the responsibility for backups is
>> with the hosting company)
> 100% in agreement.  If someone thought we were serving DBAAS with this,
> they haven't paid attention to the patch.
> However, there are other places where ALTER SYSTEM SET will be valuable.
>  For example, for anyone who wants to implement an autotuning utility.
> For example, I'm writing a network utility which checks bgwriter stats
> and tries adjusting settings over the network to improve checkpoint
> issues.  Not having to SSH configuration files into place (and make sure
> they're not overridden by other configuration files) would make writing
> that script a *lot* easier.  Same thing with automated performance testing.

seems like an excessively narrow usecase to me - people doing that kind
of specific testing can easily do automation over ssh, and those are
very few vs. having to maintain a fairly complex piece of code in
postgresql core.
Nevertheless my main point is that people _WILL_ use this as a simple
convinience tool not fully understanding all the complex implications,
and in a few years from now running people with superuser by default
(because people will create "cool little tools say to change stuff from
my tray or using $IOS app" that have a little small comment "make sure
to create the user "WITH SUPERUSER" and people will follow like lemmings.


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