On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Heikki Linnakangas
<hlinnakan...@vmware.com> wrote:
>> * switchFinishXmin and nextSwitchXid should probably be either volatile
>>    or have a compiler barrier between accessing shared memory and
>>    checking them. The compiler very well could optimize them away and
>>    access shmem all the time which could lead to weird results.
> Hmm, that would be a weird "optimization". Is that really legal for the
> compiler to do? Better safe than sorry, I guess.

C doesn't really have a multi-threaded memory model before C11, so the
compiler makers have just made one up that suits them best. For unlocked
memory reads the compiler is free to assume that no one else is accessing the
variable, so yes that "optimization" would be legal according to their rules.

I'm tackling similar issues in my patch. What I'm thinking is that we should
change our existing supposedly atomic accesses to be more explicit and make
the API compatible with C11 atomics[1]. For now I think the changes should be
something like this:

* Have separate typedefs for atomic variants of datatypes (I don't think we
  have a whole lot of them). With C11 atomics support, this would change to

    typedef _Atomic TransactionId AtomicTransactionId;

* Require that pg_atomic_init(type, var, val) be used to init atomic
  variables. Initially it would just pass through to assignment, as all
  supported platforms can do 32bit atomic ops. C11 compatible compilers will
  delegate to atomic_init().

* Create atomic read and write macros that look something like:

        #define pg_atomic_load(type, var) (*((volatile type*) &(var)))


        #define pg_atomic_store(type, var, val) do { \
            *((volatile type*) &(var)) = (val); \
        } while(0)

  C11 would pass through to the compilers implementation with relaxed memory

* Rename pg_read_barrier()/pg_write_barrier()/pg_memory_barrier() to
  pg_acquire_fence()/pg_release_fence()/pg_acq_rel_fence(). Herb Sutter makes
  a convincing argument why loosening up the barrier semantics is the sane
  choice here. [2] C11 support can then pass though to atomic_thread_fence().

This way we have a relatively future proof baseline for lockfree programming,
with options to expand with other primitives. We could also only do the
volatile access macros part, at least it would make the intention more clear
than the current approach of sprinkling around volatile pointers.

Ants Aasma

[1] http://en.cppreference.com/w/c/atomic
[2] (long video about atomics)
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