On Tue, 2013-09-24 at 21:04 +0900, MauMau wrote:
> "4. I guess some users really want to continue to use ShiftJIS or EUC_JP for
> database encoding, and use NCHAR for a limited set of columns to store
> international text in Unicode:
> - to avoid code conversion between the server and the client for performance
> - because ShiftJIS and EUC_JP require less amount of storage (2 bytes for
> most Kanji) than UTF-8 (3 bytes)
> This use case is described in chapter 6 of "Oracle Database Globalization
> Support Guide"."

But your proposal wouldn't address the first point, because data would
have to go client -> server -> NCHAR.

The second point is valid, but it's going to be an awful amount of work
for that limited result.

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