On 11/17/2013 09:02 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:
> On Nov 16, 2013, at 2:04 PM, Hannu Krosing <ha...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
>>> It’s still input and output as JSON, though.
>> Yes, because JavaScript Object Notation *is* a serialization format
>> (aka Notation) for converting JavaScript Objects to text format
>> and back :)
>>> I still like JSONB best.
>> To me it feels redundant, like binarytextbinary
>> the binary representation of JSON is JavaScript(-like) Object, not
>> "binary json"
>> So my vote would be either jsobj or jsdoc (as "document databases") tend
>> to call the structured types "documents"
> You know that both types support scalar values right? 
> 'a'::JSON works now, 
Yeah, and I remember all the bikeshedding about how
scalars should not be supported as they are
"not really JSON" by standard ...

At that time I was also quite vocal about not painting
ourselves in corner by not normalising json on input and
thus generating a backwards compatibility problem in
case we would ever get "proper" json support.
> and 'a'::hstore works with the WIP patch. For that reason I would not think 
> that "doc" or "obj" would be good choices.
this is like claiming that text should not be text because you
can store a single character there as well.

I feel that both "doc" and "obj" convey the meaning that it is a
structured type meant for fast component lookup as opposed to
jsoN(otation) type which is text.

Also jsdoc/jsobj would be a natural bridge to pgdoc/pgobj which would be
similar to "new json" but allow any type supported by postgresql as a value.

(... and in several languages even scalars really are objects)
> I like JSONB because:
> 1. The "B" means "binary"
"Binary" has really little to do with the fact that we
normalise on input, which is the real significant feature
of the new json type.
> 2. The "B" means "second"
Why not just json2 , (you know, like varchar2 in a certain other database ;)
> 3. It's short
jsobj and jsdoc are exactly as short as jsonb
> 4. See also BYTEA.
BYTEA is "byte array", so not really relevant.

(unless you try to rhyme a byte-a, json-b sequence ;) )


Hannu Krosing
PostgreSQL Consultant
Performance, Scalability and High Availability
2ndQuadrant Nordic OÜ

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